Billing Policy

Posting an ad remains free on SeekerList. There are however paid services Users can explore to boost or promote their ads and attract more buyers to them. If you have been posting ads for free, you really wouldn't be needing this policy. If you however use any of Our Paid Services, Your usage of any such Services constitutes Your acceptance to this Billing Policy.

It is agreed that Your User account is created on a voluntary basis and that you are above or at the age of majority to be able to post an ad and promote it. That if you are a minor, you have the permission and supervision of your parent or guardian to use the Service.

That the Administrator offers you Premium Services such as the Urgent Ad, Featured Ad, Highlighted Ad and Spotlight Ad.

That when You order an Urgent Ad, a bright Urgent marker is placed on the ad communicating to buyers that you have an urgent need to sell your items quickly and that you are ready to negotiate with them for the best price.

For the Featured Ad, a Featured label is placed on the ad and the ads appear at the top position of search results and normal listings. They get more visibility as they are displayed first regardless of the date they were initially posted.

Highlighted Ads are distinct from the regular ads as they appear highlighted with color in listing and search results page. They appear at the top of search results and are displayed first regardless of when they were posted.

Spotlight Ads are eye-catching and attractive, allowing you to showcase your high value items on a large display carousel. They are prioritized above all other ads and are always displayed on top. Adding great photos allows you to get the most value out of this promotion.

That while posting an ad, a user may choose to apply a premium service(s) directly to the ad prior before posting or do it later on after posting by editing the ad.

That detailed information about the duration, price and payment method of the premium service chosen are spelt out clearly on the site before payment.

That when ordering a premium service, you will be able to choose a payment method that is most suitable for you. That You primarily have two options. Either to pay by Card or by Mobile Money Wallet. If you choose to pay by either option, you will be redirected to the checkout page of Our payment processor Paystack.

That Users are supposed to have a valid debit or credit card, or mobile money wallet and should have sufficient funds to be able to pay for the premium service(s) required.

It is agreed that payments must be made first before any billable product or premium service is activated or provided.

That all payments made via the Platform are encrypted and transmitted to Our payment processor in a secure way. That We only receive information that relates to the payment such as the Date, Amount, and Time Of Purchase.

That payment for Premium Services, once made, cannot be refunded. You also agree that We will not make any refunds in the event that your advert violates our Posting Rules, or Our Terms Of Service and is removed from the Platform or that You remove or deactivate an advert by Yourself.

That receipts covering the payment of Premium Services are delivered to the User via mobile notification and or via email message.

That the Administrator reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change the features and types of premium services offered, the fees applicable, and acceptable payment methods from time to time and for any reason.

That available premium services must be renewed by the User when they expire as needed.

That the Administrator does not warrant or guarantee either expressly or implied that premium services may yield certain results and will not be held liable if they do not meet Your expectations.

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